Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Alcohol affects every part of the body, and stopping can be tough. withdrawal symptoms include seizures, tremors, delirium, or possible death. It is important to have the proper support and medicinal oversight while enduring these ailments as well as the weeks and months after to ensure a successful recovery. Our experienced staff is available 24/7 to help you receive outpatient treatment.

Information About Alcohol & Addiction
What Is It?
Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is a A chemical substance found in drinks such beer, wine, saki, champagne, and liquor. It is also found in some medicines or products, such as mouthwashes, household products, and essential oils. Alcohol is produced by the fermentation of yeast, sugars, and starches like rice, potatoes and fruit. There are different types of alcohol. The type used to make alcoholic drinks is called ethyl alcohol (ethanol). The kind of alcohol used in many products like hand sanitizer is isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol or 2-propanol), and while still can achieve the desired effect, it will make you very sick if consumed and could even cause alcohol poisoning, hospitalization, or even death.
Signs of Alcohol Use and Dependence
Individuals experiencing alcohol addiction often:
- Are unable to perform daily activities
- Are loud and overly friendly or may ISOLATE
- Experience vertigo and balance issues
- Slur words in conversation
- Stumble and sway while walking
- Fall asleep in random places or pass out
- Act erratic or violent
- Vomit
- Blackout
Frequently Asked Questions
- Booze
- Hooch
- Spirits
- Brew
- Shine
- Alky
- Drank
Alcohol detox can last anywhere from 5-14 days. Length varies based on frequency of use and how long the use has lasted.
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include seizures, tremors, delirium, or possible death. It is important to have the proper support and medicinal oversight while enduring these ailments.
- Have extreme anxiety
- Be unable to control tremors
- Struggle with insomnia
- Experience frequent mood swings
- Experience delirium tremens
- Have seizures
- They will feel an undeniable compelling urge to drink alcohol
- Endure hot flashes and chills
Getting drunk can lead an individual to do or say things that they may regret in the future. Accidents and injuries are common with alcohol abuse. You may frequently notice bruising or other wounds upon your loved ones body. After drinking a lot, an individual may wake up with an intense headache and nausea. This is called a hangover.
Someone who is addicted to alcohol will build up a tolerance and require more and more alcohol in order to achieve the altered cerebral effect that they desire. They might have a drink in the morning to calm down or stop a hangover. This is called “hair of the dog”. They might drink alone, and they might keep it a secret. They also may regularly binge drink at parties or gatherings to the point of oblivion. They may blackout and forget things that happened when they were drunk. As well as do things they could never imagine doing while in a sober state
Effects of Alcohol on the Brain and Body
BAC - Generalized Dose and Specific Effects Levels
No loss of coordination, slight euphoria, and loss of shyness. Relaxation, but depressant effects are not apparent.
Feeling of well-being, relaxation, lower inhibitions, and sensation of warmth. Euphoria. Some minor impairment of judgment and memory, lowering of caution.
Slight impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Euphoria. Reduced judgment and self-control. Impaired reasoning and memory.
Significant impairment of motor coordination and loss of good judgment. Speech may be slurred; balance, peripheral vision, reaction time, and hearing will be impaired.
Gross motor impairment and lack of physical control. Blurred vision and major loss of balance. Euphoria is reducing and beginning dysphoria (a
Dysphoria predominates, nausea may appear. The drinker has the appearance of a sloppy drunk.
Needs assistance in walking; total mental confusion. Dysphoria with nausea and vomiting; possible blackout.
Onset of coma, possible death due to respiratory arrest.
Alcohol Effects on the Body
- Short Term
- Interferes with neurological communication pathways
- Disrupts mood changes
- Prevents clear thinking
- Unmanageable coordination
- An increase in heart rate and blood pressure will occur while drinking
- Long Term
- heavy use can lead to “Wet Brain”, also known as Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (WKS).
- Reversible when caught early
- Untreated can lead to irreversible symptoms
- Irreversible confusion
- Loss of muscle coordination
- Hallucinations
- Constant escalated heart rate and blood pressure
- Increased risk of alcohol-caused heart attack and stroke
- Weakened heart muscle
- Irregular heartbeat
- Damaged Brain Cells
Heavy drinking over the years can raise your risk for stroke (brain injury from a blood clot), cancer, liver disease, and other illnesses. People can forget to use condoms when they’re drunk, have unsafe sex, and get HIV/AIDS or hepatitis (a liver disease).
Pregnancy Complications
If a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, it can cause brain damage, which can lead to other health problems in the baby like birth defects or even miscarriage.
You Can Get Hurt or Killed
Being drunk makes you more likely to get hurt or killed. Alcohol is involved in:
- 60 percent of drownings, murders, and deadly burns
- 50 percent of severe injuries and sexual attacks
- 40 percent of deadly driving crashes, deadly falls, and suicides
Don't hesitate to make a call that could save your life.
We can help you through the detox process.
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